
How do I sync data between Workforce Planning and Procore?


With the acquisition of LaborChart, Procore is focused on offering an end-to-end solution for Construction Workforce Management. To begin, the current LaborChart experience will be available in Procore as it's new Workforce Planning tool. Over time, users will incrementally begin seeing the two user experiences and data become integrated into the Procore platform. It is important that this data is kept in sync so that your workforce can be accurately planned, tracked, and forecasted.

There are two foundational pieces of data that must be integrated to form the foundation of an integrated Workforce Management solution: people (employees) and projects. Now that LaborChart is integrated into Procore as the Workforce Planning tool, we are able to keep this data in sync to avoid duplicate entry and ensure efficiency and accurate data.

Please note that in the future, all new people and projects will be kept in sync between Procore and Workforce Planning. As a joint customer of LaborChart and Procore, we are giving you a period to clean up data and opt-in early before this time.

In this article:

How To Get Started

To begin, we will work together to identify your system of record where you will add and manage people and projects. Once identified, Procore will link and sync your people and projects so they are the same in Workforce Planning (formerly LaborChart) and Procore. Syncing data reduces duplicate entry, ensuring efficiency and data accuracy.


  1. Work with your Procore account team to identify your system(s) of record where you will add and manage people and projects. See Workforce Planning and Procore Detailed Data Mapping.
  2. Work with your Procore account team to identify if you want all people synced or if you only want users (people marked as 'Users' or 'Both' in Workforce Planning) to be synced.
  3. Identify if you have any people that currently exist in Workforce Planning (formerly LaborChart) and Procore and update their information so that their user records can be linked.

    It is important that data is cleaned up beforehand, otherwise duplicate records may be created.

    If all of the below fields are not matching there is a high possibility that the sync will sever and will not be able to relink thus creating duplicate records.

    Inactive People are not synced in this initial set up. However, after this initial setup process is complete, records of inactivated people will sync between Workforce Planning and Procore.

    ​​​​​If people exist in both systems, follow these steps so that the data can be linked between Workforce Planning and Procore:
    1. Review your people data fields between People List in Workforce Planning and your Procore Directory (Users and Contacts). The following fields must match between the People List and your Procore Company Directory prior to turning on the people sync:
      • First name
      • Last name
      • Email address
      • Employee ID
      • Mark the 'Is Employee' checkbox for users in the Procore Directory.
    2. Ensure users in your Procore Company Directory that you want to mange in Workforce Planning are 'Users' or 'Both' in your Workforce Planning People List. If users are in the Company Directory, but not yet in the People List, follow these steps:
      1. Navigate to the Company Directory.
      2. Locate the user that needs to be added in Workforce Planning and click Edit.
      3. Ensure the Is Employee checkbox is marked. 
      4. Update the user's permission to have Read Only access or higher to the Workforce Planning tool.
      5. Navigate to the Company level Workforce Planning tool.
      6. Click People and select People List.
      7. Click New.
      8. Complete the form with the following information:
        • First Name. The person's first name.
        • Last Name. The person's last name.
        • Email. The person's email address.
          Note: This must match the email address in the Company Directory.
        • Type. Select User or Both.
        • Permission. Select the user's permission level. 
          Note: When determining the appropriate permission level for a user you may need to create a new permission level in Workforce Planning to ensure you are not granting too little or too much access.
        • Group. The person's group. See Configure Groups for Workforce Planning.
      9. Click Save.
      10. After you have made your Procore users 'Users' or 'Both', they receive an email from LaborChart to set up their password. See How do I set up my account in Workforce Planning?
      11. After the user has set their password in LaborChart, they can login via login.procore.com.
      12. To access Workforce Planning, users navigate to the Company level Workforce Planning tool. 
      13. The first time the user navigates to the Workforce Planning tool, they are asked to 'Authorize Workforce Planning'. They must click Allow.
        The user can now access Workforce Planning through Procore and should continue to access Workforce Planning here.
    3. Ensure contacts in your Procore Company Directory that you want to manage in Workforce Planning are 'Assignable' people in your Workforce Planning People List.
      Note: Skip this step if you chose to only sync users.
      1. Navigate to the Company level Workforce Planning tool.
      2. Click People and select People List.
      3. Click New.
      4. Complete the form with the following information:
        • First Name. The person's first name.
        • Last Name. The person's last name.
        • Employee ID. The person's employee ID.
          Note: This must match the employee ID in the Company Directory.
        • Type. Select Assignable.
        • Group. The person's group. See Configure Groups for Workforce Planning.
      5. Click Save.
  4. Identify if you have any projects that currently exist in Workforce Planning (formerly LaborChart) and Procore.
  5. Reach out to your Procore point of contact to initiate the data sync. This can be done via email or by emailing support@procore.com
  6. Your Procore account team will run a one-time data linking process that will ensure existing project and employee data is linked between Procore and Workforce Planning. 
  7. Procore will initiate the data sync between Workforce Planning and Procore.
  8. Going forward, all new project in your system of record will be kept in sync between Workforce Planning and Procore.
  9. Going forward, all new people are managed in the People List in Workforce Planning, and will stay in sync between Workforce Planning in Procore. See Add People to Workforce Planning.
    • Manage all employees through Workforce Planning to ensure your People List and Company Directory are always in sync and avoid maintaining two lists.
    • People are synced to the Procore Company Directory after each hourly data sync is complete. 
    • When determining the appropriate permission level for a user you may need to create a new permission level in the WFP tool to ensure you are not granting too little or too much access.
    • If you add a user to the Procore Company Directory, the data will not sync as this data sync is one directional from the People List to the Procore Company Directory.  

Account Setup

To view Workforce Planning in Procore, accounts need to be set up in both Procore and Workforce Planning.

To set up accounts for your employees, see Add People to Workforce Planning.

For help setting up your account, see How do I set up my account in Workforce Planning?

Data Syncing

After the initial set up process, data is kept in sync between the Workforce Planning tool, and Procore’s Company level Directory and Projects list. Data is synced between Workforce Planning and Procore once every hour.


For projects using Workforce Planning and Field Productivity Tools, you can manage your workforce using the People List in Workforce Planning. The people you add here can be used for workforce assignments, as well as in the Crews, and the Timesheets tools. See Add People to Workforce Planning.

You have three options when creating people in Workforce Planning:

  • User. People created as 'Users' can sign in to Procore based on their group and permission level. Users alone can NOT be assigned as resources for Workforce Planning projects. 
  • Assignable. People created as 'Assignable' can be assigned as resources in Workforce Planning projects. People who are assignable can NOT log in to Workforce Planning.
  • Both. People created as 'Both' are created as a user and can log into Procore. Additionally, they can be assigned as resources in Workforce Planning projects. 

People sync one-way from the Workforce Planning tool to Procore’s Directory. When adding someone who is a 'User' or 'Both' in Workforce Planning, the user is added to the Company Directory as an employee of your company. When you add an 'Assignable' person to Procore, they are added as a contact to the Company Directory and their record can be viewed in the 'Contacts' tab for the Company Directory.


  • All people in the Workforce Planning planning tool are considered employees, so they will all be synced to Procore Directory as employees.
  • Data needs to sync in order for people added in Workforce Planning to be added to the Company Directory. Data syncing happens once every hour. For more information, see Why do I see people in Workforce Planning, but not Procore?

The following fields are synced from Workforce Planning to the Company Directory:

Workforce Planning Procore
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Employee ID Employee ID
Mobile Phone Mobile Phone
Email Address Email Address
Job Title Job Title
Status Active?

Fields in Workforce Planning with no direct mapping, like Groups and Custom Fields, do not sync to the Company Directory but are available in Workforce Planning. 


Projects can be created in either Procore or Workforce Planning, but your company must choose one as the system of record. 

With your Procore account team, your company will decide whether the system of record for Project creation and management will be Workforce Planning or Procore. In the future, all projects will be created in Procore and sync to Workforce Planning.

If Procore is the system of record (recommended), Projects created in Procore will sync to Workforce Planning.


  • Projects created in Procore will be assigned to all groups in Workforce Planning.
  • If Procore is the system of record, Projects can still be created in Workforce Planning, but will not sync to Procore. If you want to ensure that projects are the same in both applications, we recommend that you disable the Workforce Planning Permission to ‘Create Projects’ and ‘Delete Projects’. For more information, see Create Permissions Templates for Workforce Planning.

If Workforce Planning is the system of record, Projects created in Workforce Planning will sync to Procore. See Create Projects in Workforce Planning.
Note: If Workforce Planning is the system of record, Projects can still be created in Procore, but will not sync to Workforce Planning. If you want to ensure that projects are the same in both applications, we recommend that you disable the Procore Setting to ‘Create New Projects’ in the Company Directory by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Company level Directory tool.
  2. Locate the user's profile. Then click Edit.
  3. Scroll down to the 'Project Settings' area.
  4. Under the New Project Settings area, clear the checkbox to Allow [User Name] to Create New Projects. 
  5. Click Save.

The following fields are synced from Workforce Planning to the Project Directory:

Workforce Planning Procore
Name Name
Project Number Project Number
Status Active/Inactive
Start Date Start Date
Planned End Date/Est. End Date Completion Date
Address Address
City/Town City
Postal Code ZIP
Timezone Timezone

creating Projects outside the ‘system of record’

Projects created outside of the system of record will NOT be automatically synced.

If you accidentally created a project outside of the system of record, and you need to sync it, follow these steps:

  1. In Procore, Navigate to the Project level Admin tool.
  2. Under 'Project Settings', click General.
  3. Update or verify the Project Number.
  4. Click Update to save the changes.
  5. Navigate to the Company level Workforce Planning tool.
  6. Click Projects and select Projects List.
  7. Click on the name of the project.
  8. Locate the ‘Info’ section and click Edit.
  9. Update or verify the Project Number so that it matches the Project Number in Procore.
  10. Reach out to your Account Manager so that they can link the records.

Common Questions

What is data linking?

Record linking allows you to link the people in Workforce Planning (formerly LaborChart) with the users and contacts in Procore. It also allows you to link projects in Workforce Planning with projects in Procore.

We recommend that you do this step before syncing to avoid duplicates across the system. Data linking is done internally at Procore. You must reach out to your Procore 連絡先 to link your records.

What is data syncing?

Record syncing passes information between Workforce Planning and Procore so that information is available in both the Procore platform and the Workforce Planning tool.

How often is data synced?

People and Projects are synced between Workforce Planning and the rest of Procore once every hour.

Are project templates applied when syncing from Workforce Planning to Procore?

No. If projects are managed in Workforce Planning, when they are synced to Procore Projects, they are created without applying a template.

If Procore is the 'system of record' for Projects, in what groups will they appear in Workforce Planning?

By default, projects will be added to all groups. This can be edited in Workforce Planning. See Edit Project Details in Workforce Planning.

If I edit users in the Company Directory, will I see those changes in Workforce Planning?

No. Information syncs one way from Workforce Planning to the Company Directory. 

If you make a change to one of the above fields in the Company Directory, the information will reset to what is in Workforce Planning the next time the data is synced. If you need to make changes to a user’s profile, you will need to do so from the People tool in Workforce Planning.

Do project roles and assignments carry over from Workforce Planning to Procore?

No. The fields above are the only user and contact-related data that sync from Workforce Planning to the Company Directory.

How do Permissions work as we migrate to Workforce Planning?

Currently, there are two layers of permission.

  1. To access the Workforce Planning tool in Procore, you need ‘Read Only’ permissions or above for the tool in the Company level Directory. This is binary, meaning that users will either have access to the Workforce Planning tool, or will not see it as a menu option.
    You can grant permissions by updating your Company Permissions Templates or by updating a user’s permissions in their Company level user profile. See Edit a Company Permissions Template.
  2. Permissions within the Workforce Planning tool are managed in the Workforce Planning tool Settings. See Create Permissions Templates for Workforce Planning.
    The previous LaborChart permissions and setting will remain in place for every user so long as their email address is the same. Managing these permissions will be the same experience you had previously.

What permission level in Procore is given to users when they are synced?

For existing users in Procore who already have a permission template assigned to them, we will NOT alter permissions. You need to manually update their permissions to ‘Read Only’ or above access for the Workforce Planning tool. You can grant permissions by updating your Company Permissions Templates or by updating the user’s permissions in their profile. See Edit a Company Permissions Template or Edit a User Account in the Company Directory.

For new Procore users, we will grant them ‘Standard’ access to the Workforce Planning tool, and the lowest possible permissions level to all other Procore tools.

Note: ‘Read Only’ permissions or above for the Workforce Planning tool only allows a user to access the Workforce Planning tool. Their permissions within the Workforce Planning tool are (still) managed within the Workforce Planning tool’s settings.

Will new users added in Workforce Planning automatically receive invitation to set their password with Procore?

No. Directory Admins need to send invites separately. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Company Directory.
  2. Mark the checkboxes for the users you want to invite.
  3. Under Bulk Actions, select Invite.
  4. Click Invite.

See Add People to Workforce Planning for complete instructions.

Will 'Assignable' people in Workforce Planning get a Procore login?

No. Users marked as ‘Assignable’ in Workforce Planning and not ‘User’ or ‘Both’ are synced into Procore as contact, which does not allow them to login.

What happens when I change an assignable resource to a user in Workforce Planning? How does that impact my Company Directory?

If a person record is linked across the Company Directory and the People List, the person is a 'Contact' in the company directory. If the person's Type is changed in the People List, from 'Assignable' to 'User' or 'Both', after the data sync, the contact record in the Company Directory is deactivated and Procore attempts to create a new user record in the Procore Company Directory.

I accidentally added a User in my Company Directory instead of the People List in Workforce Planning. What should I do?

For Projects using Workforce Planning, people must be added using the People tool in Workforce Planning. People added in the Company level Directory will not be available for Workforce Planning.

People added in Workforce Planning will be added to the Company level Directory as users or contacts.

If you created a user outside of Workforce Planning, and you need to sync it, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Company Directory.
  2. Locate the user that needs to be added in Workforce Planning and click Edit.
  3. Mark the checkbox for Is Employee of [Company Name] Account.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Navigate to the Company level Workforce Planning tool.
  6. Click People and select People List.
  7. Click New.
  8. Complete the form with the following information:
    • First Name. The person's first name.
    • Last Name. The person's last name.
    • Email. The person's email address.
      Note: This must match the email address in the Company Directory.
    • Permission. Select the user's permission level. 
    • Type. Select User or Both.
    • Group. The person's group. See Configure Groups for Workforce Planning.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Reach out to your Procore 連絡先 so that they can link the records.

The users will sync based on the email address and the user will be available in Workforce Planning.


If you created a contact outside of Workforce Planning, and you need to sync it, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Company Directory.
  2. Click Contacts.
  3. Locate the contact that needs to be added in Workforce Planning and click Edit.
  4. Enter their Employee ID.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Navigate to the Company level Workforce Planning tool.
  7. Click People and select People List.
  8. Click New.
  9. Complete the form with the following information:
    • First Name. The person's first name.
    • Last Name. The person's last name.
    • Employee ID. The person's employee ID.
      Note: This must match the employee ID in the Company Directory.
    • Type. Select Assignable.
    • Group. The person's group. See Configure Groups for Workforce Planning.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Reach out to your Procore 連絡先 so that they can link the records.

The contacts will sync based on the Employee ID and the user will be available in Workforce Planning.

Can I connect a single Procore account to multiple LaborChart accounts?

No. Because we are embedding LaborChart as a Company level tool in Procore, it is only possible to map it to one Procore account. The data sync for the integration, which will ensure that the employees and projects in Procore are synced with LaborChart’s People and Projects lists, requires a 1:1 mapping between accounts. 

For clients in this scenario, we propose that you select one Procore account in which LaborChart can be embedded. You can either use one of your existing accounts or create a new Procore account to access the Workforce Planning tool (embedded LaborChart experience).