
Delete Files and Folders in the Company Level Documents Tool


To delete files and folders from the Documents tool. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To delete files and folders, 'Admin' on the Company level Documents tool.
  • Additional Information:
    • If you want to restore a file that was deleted, see Retrieve a File or Folder from the Recycle Bin.
    • If you have uploaded the files to the Project level Documents tool, you will not be able to move them to the Recycle Bin on the Company level.


  1. Navigate to the Company level Documents tool.
  2. Locate the file or folder you want to delete.
  3. Right-click on the file and click  icon-delete-trash4.png  Delete
    Click the vertical ellipsis  icon-ellipsis-options-menu.png  icon and click  icon-delete-trash4.png  Delete
  4. Click Confirm to delete the file or folder. 
    Note: The file is moved to the Recycle Bin.