

Below are the notable changes to the Company level Admin tool in 2020.

Create Custom Fields and Custom Sections for Submittals (11/30/2020)

Procore has added the ability to create custom fields in the Company level Admin tool for the project's Submittals tool. These custom fields function like other fields in Procore and can be included in reports in the Company and Project level Reports tools. See Create New Custom Fields. In addition to custom fields, Procore has added the ability to create custom sections for the project's Submittals tool. Custom sections allow you to group custom fields together in one or more separate, user-defined sections. Custom sections are displayed below a submittal's 'General Information' section. See Create Custom Sections.

Added 'Contracts' Under 'Tool Settings' (11/9/2020)

Procore has updated the 'Tool Settings' section of the right sidebar in the Company level Admin tool to add a link to a new 'Contracts' page. The 'Lock Schedule of Values and Contract Company when Commitment Contract is Approved or Completed' checkbox has been moved from the 'Cost Types' page to the 'Contracts' page and continues to be disabled by default. This move is an early step to prepare for future contract settings that will be available in Procore. See Update the Tool Settings for Contracts.

Configurable PDFs Added to Inspections Tool (11/6/2020)

Procore has released an update that gives users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool the ability to configure PDFs for the Inspections tool. Users can configure PDFs to make certain items visible, collapse sections, and show status changes to activities. See Configure Settings for Exporting Inspections as PDFs.

New Custom Fields for T&M Tickets (10/29/2020) 

Procore has updated the Company level Admin tool to give you the ability to create custom fields for the T&M Tickets tool. Creating new custom fields is helpful when your company wants to track extra details related to the T&M tickets created in the field. See Admin: Create Custom Fields for the T&M Tickets Tool.

Increased Custom Field Limit for the Incidents Tool (10/9/2020)

Procore has increased the custom field limit for each component of the Incidents tool from 10 to 15. This includes increased limits for Incident General Information, Injury Illness Records, Property Damage Records, Environmental Records, Near Miss Records, Witness Statements, and Actions. See Create New Custom Fields.

New Configurable Fieldsets for T&M Tickets (09/29/2020) 

Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can now configure fieldsets for the T&M Tickets tool. See Which fields in the T&M Tickets tool can be configured as required, optional, or hidden? 

Removed 'Time Tracking' Tab from Company Level Admin Tool (9/3/2020)

Procore has removed the 'Time Tracking' tab from the 'Tool Settings' section of the Company Level Admin tool. All of the same settings and controls continue to be available to users with 'Admin' level permission on the Company level Timesheets tool. See Configure Advanced Settings: Company Level Timesheets.

Ability to Delete Custom Fields (08/14/2020)

Company Admins now have the ability to permanently delete custom fields that were created in the Company level Admin tool. Being able to fully delete a custom field ensures that it cannot be selected on fieldsets or used in any projects in your organization's account. See Delete Custom Fields.

Searchable Project Number when Applying Fieldsets (07/06/2020)

Company Admin users now have the ability to search for the project name and number when assigning a configurable fieldset. See Apply Configurable Fieldsets to Projects.

Ability to Create Custom Fields for the Notes Log in the Daily Log Tool (06/10/2020)  

Company Admin users can now create custom fields for the Daily Log tool's Notes Log using configurable fieldsets. See Create New Custom Fields. These custom fields will function like other fields in Procore and can be included in reports in the Company and Project level Reports tools. 

Create Custom Fields for Inspections Tool (06/08/2020)

Procore has added the ability to create custom fields for the Inspections tool. These custom fields function like other fields in Procore and can be included in reports in the Company and Project level Reports tools. See Create New Custom Fields.

Overdue Email Notifications According to Timezone (06/05/2020)

Users will now receive overdue email notifications for the Punch List, Observations, and Inspections tools at 6:00 a.m. in the timezone of the Procore account sending the emails. The timezone can be edited from the General Settings in the Company Admin tool. See Configure Your Company Settings.

Custom Translation for Observation Types (06/02/2020)

Procore has released the ability for users with 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Admin tool to configure translations for Observation Types created in the Observations tool. This allows teams who work in more than one language to maintain consistency at the project level when recording observations. See Add Custom Translations to Observation Types.

Create Custom Fields for Incidents Tool (05/29/2020)

Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can now create custom fields and add them to configurable fieldsets for the Incidents tool. See Create New Custom Fields.

New Custom Fields Data Types (04/28/2020)

A user can now select "Rich Text" or "Date" as a new data type when creating new custom fields at the company admin level. These data types are available on all tools with custom fields. See Create New Custom Fields.
Note: Rich text is currently not supported on fieldsets created for the Manpower log.

Reorder Custom Fields in a Fieldset (04/28/2020)

A user can now reorder custom fields after they have been applied to a fieldset by clicking and dragging the cluster of dots to the left of the custom field name. See Create New Custom Fields.
Note: You can only reorder the custom fields not any of the Procore Standard fields.

New Configurable Fieldsets for Submittal Logs (04/12/2020)

Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can now configure fieldsets for the Submittal tool's submittal logs. See Which fields in the Submittals tool can be configured as required, optional, or hidden?

Updated Appearance for Configurable Fieldsets (04/10/2020)

Procore has updated the appearance of configurable fieldsets on the company's Admin tool to make it easier to create project-specific fieldsets. While these pages have a new look, all other functionalities and your configured fieldsets remain the same. See Create New Configurable Fieldsets.

New Configurable Fieldsets for Incident Environmental Records (03/30/2020)

Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can now configure fieldsets for the Incidents tool's environmental records. See Which fields in the Incidents tool can be configured as required, optional, or hidden?

New Configurable Fieldsets for Incident Records and Witness Statements (03/23/2020)

Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can now configure fieldsets for the Incidents tool's property damage records, near miss records, and witness statements. See Which fields in the Incidents tool can be configured as required, optional, or hidden?

Set Up a Labor Costing Budget View (03/03/2020)

Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Admin tool can now set up a budget view to manage and track costs with new unit quantity, unit of measure, and unit cost sources. Timecard entries submitted in Procore can also automatically update estimated labor costs in your budget. See Add a Budget View for Real-Time Labor Costing.

New Configurable Units of Measure (03/03/2020)

If your organization uses a Unit of Measure (UOM) that is not already in Procore's Unit of Measure Master List, users with 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Admin tool can now add custom units of measures for your company. See Add a Unit of Measure to the Unit of Measure Master List.

Configurable Fieldsets for Inspections Tool (02/21/2020)

Company admin users will now have the ability to designate certain project fields as optional, required, or hidden when creating or editing a Procore Inspection. See Create New Configurable Fieldsets.

Allow User Installs (02/20/2020)

As a Company admin, you now have the ability to control whether your users are allowed to install third-party Apps in your company and allow data access. See Allow User Installs.

Create Custom Fields for Punch List Tool (02/19/2020)

Company Admin users can now create custom fields and add them to configurable fieldsets in the Punch List tool. See Create New Custom Fields.

Create Custom Fields for Observations Tool (02/13/2020)

Company Admin users can now create custom fields and add them to configurable fieldsets in the Observations tool. See Create New Custom Fields.

Ability to Remove Custom Fields from a Fieldset (02/12/2020)

You can now remove custom fields from a fieldset. Removing the custom field will not delete the field or any of its data. See Remove Custom Fields from Configurable Fieldsets

Configurable Alerts and Severity for Incident Injury/Illness Records (01/27/2020)

Procore has added two new tabs to the Incidents Tool Settings in the Company level Admin tool called 'Alerts' and 'Severity'. Users with Admin level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can configure a color-coded scale for the severity of injury/illness records based on the records' filing types. Alerts in the form of email or push notifications sent to specified recipient groups can also be configured based on the injury/illness records' severity. See Configure Alerts and Severity for Incidents.

Ability to Rename and Delete Configurable Fieldsets (01/16/2020) 

Company Admin users can now rename fieldsets by in-line editing the Title fields. They can also now delete fieldsets as long as the fieldsets are not currently applied to any projects or set as the project default. See Delete Configurable Fieldsets.

Ability to Create a Project Fieldset (01/15/2020)

Company Admin users can now configure which fields on the Create and Update project pages will be required, optional, or hidden. Only one fieldset can be created, and it will automatically be applied to all projects. See Create a Default Project Fieldset.

Enhancements to Company Admin Tool (01/15/2020)

Procore has made multiple enhancements to the Company level Admin page, including reorganizing and renaming multiple settings for a more intuitive, consistent experience. See Admin: Multiple Enhancements to Company Admin Tool.