(Beta) Add Additional Assignees to a Custom Workflow Step
To invite additional assignees to a step on a custom workflow already in progress on a project level item.
After a workflow has been initiated on a project level item, the Workflow Manager can assign new members to the current step of an in-progress workflow.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- To invite additional assignees to a custom workflow step:
- 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Directory tool.
OR - 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Directory tool.
- Users with the 'Can be Workflow Manager' granular permission on their permissions template.
- 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Directory tool.
- To invite additional assignees to a custom workflow step:
- A workflow has been initiated for an item.
- Navigate to the Project level item containing the workflow.
- Click the vertical ellipsis
in the workflow panel, then click Invite Additional Assignees.
- Fill out the following fields:
- Assignees: Select one or more assignees to add to the workflow step. Assignees are added to the current step and notified by email.
- Reason for Invitation: Add a reason the new assignees are being invited to the workflow. The reason will be visible to workflow managers, project admins and company admins.
- Comments: Add any necessary comments. The comment will be visible to workflow managers, project admins and company admins.
- Message for Assignees: This message will be included in the invitation email sent to new assignees.
- Click Send Invitation.