Add an Estimate
To add a new estimate in a project's Estimating tool.
After adding takeoffs for the project, you can view project estimates, set labor costs and profit margins, and generate downloadable bid estimates. You can also manually enter information on an estimate without takeoffs. Each section on the Estimating page displays the appropriate elements of the project’s bidding estimates, such as material quantity and costs, labor and labor costs, inclusions and exclusions, and an overall summary of the bid.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions to the project's Estimating tool.
- Additional Information:
- Information from the Takeoff page automatically populates in the Estimating page.
- Any items on the Estimating page that are highlighted in orange can be edited.
- Only one user can edit an estimate at a time. If another user at your company is already working on the same estimate, you will see a banner indicating you are in 'read only' mode. However, you can create or edit another estimate for the project, or choose to click 'Kick User Out' if necessary.
- Navigate to the project's Estimating tool on
- Click the Estimating tab.
- Click Add Estimate.
- If you want to use an existing estimate, click Copy Selected Estimate.
If you want to create a completely new estimate, click Create Empty Estimate. - See the sections below for available options:
Adjust Estimate Settings
- Click the vertical ellipsis
- The following modes are available for project estimates. Click a toggle ON
to activate the mode, or OFF
to deactivate it.
- Detailed Estimating
- Group Multiplier
- 'Use' Tax Instead of 'Sales Tax'
- Individual Labor Rates
- Company-Wide Estimating Settings
Create a New Group
- In the section of the estimate that you want to add a new group to, click Create New Group.
- Click into the title field to enter a new name.
Group By Requested Bid Item
Note: This feature is only available for bids sent with bid forms as part of the new Bid Management Enhanced Experience. If you have questions, contact the company that sent you a bid invitation.
- Go to the group section in the Estimating tab.
- Click Select next to 'Requested Bid Item'.
- Choose the Requested Bid Scope Item to group by.
- If you create a new group, you can drag the requested bid items to the new group.
Add Items
- On the right side of the row for a group, click the add
- Mark the checkboxes next to any items you want to include and click Select.
- Enter information into each column as necessary:
Note: The amounts that you enter for these fields will automatically calculate to populate the Total Cost, Sales Price, Total Sales, Profit, and Total Labor columns.- Budget Code:
If you have Procore Project Financials enabled, the budget code selections that are available have been imported from the project budget.- Click Select next to the estimate group budget code to assign a budget code to an entire group of cost items or click Select within the individual cost item to assign a budget code by cost item.
- Enter or select the budget code from the drop-menu to apply the budget code.
- Optional: Click Create Budget Code if you need to create a code that is not listed.
- After your budget code has been applied, you can click on any budget code to make changes.
- Click the 'x' within the budget code for options to remove it.
- Quantity: Enter the quantity required of the item.
- Item Cost: Enter the cost of the item.
- Waste: If there will be waste for the item, enter the amount as a percentage.
- Margin/Markup: Click to switch between 'Margin' and 'Markup' Enter a percentage of margin or markup to apply.
- Labor (Mins / Hrs): Click to switch between 'Mins’ or 'Hrs'. Enter the amount of labor required in hours or minutes.
- Difficulty: Enter the difficulty level. The higher the difficulty, the more the cost will be multiplied.
- Tax: Mark the checkbox if the item should be taxed.
- Budget Code:
Add Additional Notes
- Scroll to 'Notes' and click the arrow to expand the section.
- The following sections are available by default to add notes to:
- Scope of Work
- Included
- Excluded
- Project Notes
- Click into a field to add notes as necessary.
- The following actions are also available:
- To delete a section, click the Delete icon.
- To add a new line, click Add New.
- To add from your library, click Browse Library. See Create a Library of Inclusions and Exclusions below.
Optional: Create a Library of Inclusions and Exclusions
To save time on future estimates, you can create a library of Inclusions and Exclusions to choose from. See the steps below.- Click Browse Library.
- Click New Inclusions or New Exclusions.
- Enter a name and content.
- Click Confirm.
Note: When you add notes in the Additional Notes section, click Browse Library to select the inclusions or exclusions that you want to add to the estimate. - Optional: To make inclusions or exclusions standard on projects"
- Click the vertical ellipsis
- Next to 'Include in Projects by Default', click the toggle to the ON
- Click the vertical ellipsis
Export a Bill of Materials
- Click the vertical ellipsis
- Hover over Export Bill of Materials.
- Select one of the the following options for your export:
- Export Bill of Materials as Flat List to Excel
- Export Bill of Materials as List Grouped by Plan to Excel
Import a Bill of Materials
This option can be used to import external bill of materials information from a previous source into a new project.- Click the vertical ellipsis
icon and select Download Bill of Materials Import Template.
- Enter material information on the template and save the file.
Note: Quantity (Qty), Unit of Measurement (UOM), and Item Cost are required. - Click the vertical ellipsis
icon again.
- Hover over Import Bill of Materials and select Import Bill of Materials From Excel Template.
Your new items will now appear as a new group with the date imported. - Optional: Click within the title of the new group to rename it.
Bulk Update a Bill of Materials
- Click the vertical ellipsis
- Hover over Export Bill of Materials.
- Select one of the the following options for your export:
- Export Bill of Materials as Flat List to Excel
- Export Bill of Materials as List Grouped by Plan to Excel
- Update the 'Item Cost' column and save file.
- Click the vertical ellipsis
icon again.
- Hover over Import Bill of Materials and select Update Bill of Materials Pricing from Excel File.
Confirm Summary items
- Review Labor and Profit amounts as needed.
Note: The 'Global Labor Cost' amount applies to the rest of the estimate. However, you can still make individual adjustments to items if needed. - Adjust amounts in the Overhead, Discount, Taxes, and Others sections if applicable.
Generate the Bid
- After thoroughly reviewing the bid estimate, click Show Bid Sheet.
A preview of the bid will be generated. This is where you can add or exclude values by selecting the preferred options. - Under Bid Detail Settings, configure your preferences for the bid.
Note: Click a toggle ONto apply a setting to a bid, or OFF
to remove it.
- When you are ready to export the bid, click Export Bid.
A PDF of the bid will be downloaded to your computer.