
Edit a Project Level Custom Report


To edit a custom report that was created at the project level.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
  • Additional Information:
    • If you have 'Admin' level permissions to the Project level Reports tool, you cannot edit a report unless you created it. 
    • If you want to edit a report that has been shared with you, you must clone the report (see Clone a Project Level Custom Report) and edit the clone.


  1. Navigate to the Project level Reports tool.
  2. In the Reports tab, locate the desired custom report.
  3. Click the 縦方向の省略 (⋮) and choose Edit from the shortcut menu.
    This opens the selected report in edit mode. 
  4. Edit the report as desired. To learn about your options, see Create a Custom Project Report.
  5. Edit the report's Title and Description by clicking in the desired field(s). 
  6. Click Update Report to save your changes.