Work Breakdown Structure - Release Notes
Below are the notable changes for Procore's Work Breakdown Structure.
Recent Changes
Activate & Deactivate Budget Codes and Edit Budget Code Descriptions (11/18/2022)
Procore has added the option to deactivate budget codes that are no longer in use at the project level. See Work Breakdown Structure: Activate & Deactivate Project Level Budget Codes. Users can now also edit budget code descriptions at the project level from the project's 'Admin' tool or directly from the 'Budget' tool. See Edit Budget Code Descriptions on a Project.
Updated the 'Manage WBS Codes' granular permission in the permissions template feature (see Manage Permission Templates) for the Project level Admin tool. This granular permission can only be set for users with 'Standard' or 'Read Only' level permission to the project's Admin tool. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Project Permissions Template. This permission continues to provide users with the privilege to Arrange the Project Budget Code Structure. For users participating in the Beta Program for the Work Breakdown Structure: Activate & Deactivate Project Level Budget Codes feature, the 'Manage WBS Codes' granular permission now also grants users the privilege to Activate Budget Codes on a Project and Deactivate Budget Codes on a Project.
Changed the label of the 'Update Cost Codes' granular permission in the Admin section to 'Manage Segment Items'. Also added a 'Manage WBS Codes' granular permission that provides users with 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on the Project level Admin tool with the privilege to arrange a project's budget code structure. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Project Permissions Template.
Before Procore's Work Breakdown Structure release (see Introducing Work Breakdown Structure), there was a 'Division' option in the Filter menu of the Project level Budget tool. In Procore's WBS, the 'Cost Code' tier is a tiered segment, so this legacy 'Division' option has been renamed to 'Cost Code Tier 1'. To learn more about this update, see Where is the 'Division' in the 'Cost Code' segment in Procore's WBS?
Phased Release of Work Breakdown Structure Complete (4/1/2022)
Procore is pleased to announce that the phased rollout of Work Breakdown Structure that started on March 3, 2022 is now complete. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a robust, flexible method for organizing and reporting on financial information. It includes the new WBS user experience for cost codes, cost types, and sub jobs in the Company and Project level Admin tools. You can now import cost codes, cost types, and sub jobs as segment items to the Company or Project level Admin tool using the Procore Imports app. To learn about the release, see Introducing Work Breakdown Structure.
Starting the Phased Release of Work Breakdown Structure (3/3/2022)
Starting March 3, 2022 through approximately the end of the month, Procore is deploying a gradual, phased release of the new Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) feature. This update includes the new WBS user experience in the Company and Project level Admin tools and it will be deployed to all Procore customers. To learn more, see Introducing Work Breakdown Structure.
(Beta) Arrange the Budget Code Structure on a Project (12/13/2021)
Your company's Procore Administrator now has the ability to Enable Project Level Budget Code Structure Edits. This allows users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Project level Admin tool to Arrange the Project Budget Code Structure.
(Beta) Introducing Work Breakdown Structure (11/5/2021)
Procore is pleased to announce the start of the open beta program for Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This new feature provides you with the ability to create a customized framework of unique segments and rules for tagging, tracking, and reporting with Procore's Financial Management tools. To learn more about the open beta and its requirements, see (Beta) Introducing Work Breakdown Structure.