
Enable Project Level Budget Code Structure Edits


To enable a company level setting that allows project users to edit the budget code structure on a project.


Although it is not common for project's to use different budget code structure from project-to-project, a Procore Administrator can configure a setting in the Company Admin tool that allows users with 'Admin' level permissions on a project to change the pattern of the budget code structure for that project.


If you choose to enable this setting, ensure that your project users are aware of the following limitations:

  • Adding a new company-level segment to the company budget code structure has NO affect on a project's budget code structure. If you want to add the new company-level segment to a project, it must be added manually to the project.
  • You can remove a company-level segment from a project's budget code structure. However, for best results, it is recommended that you remove the segment at the beginning of the project and avoid adding that segment back mid-project. 
  • You can reorder the segments on the project level budget code structure at any time. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the Company Admin tool. 
  • Limitations:
    • For customers using Procore's Field Productivity tools
      The default segments in WBS are compatible with icon-external-link.png Field Productivity. Custom segments are NOT yet supported. To learn more, see Why can't I create WBS custom segments?
    • For customers using the Company level ERP Integrations tool
      The default segments in WBS are compatible with Procore's ERP Integrations tool. However, the synchronization process does NOT yet support custom segments. To learn more, see Why can't I create WBS custom segments?
    • For customers who have independently developed or purchased a third-party solution to integrate with Procore
      To take advantage of the custom segment capabilities associated with WBS, any existing API integrations that you have independently developed or purchased to interact with Procore must be updated to support Procore's new WBS API. To learn more, see Do we need to update our API Integrations for WBS?


  1. Navigate to the company's Admin tool. 
  2. Under 'Company Settings', click Work Breakdown Structure.
  3. Scroll to the 'Budget Code Structure' table. 
  4. Click the Configure Budget Code Structure icons-settings-gear.png icon. 

  5. In the 'Edit Budget Code Structure at Project Level' window, mark the Enable Project Level Budget Code Structure Edits check box. 

  6. Click Save