Below are the notable changes to the project's Coordination Issues tool in 2019.
Quick Create Coordination Issues on a Model (10/28/2019)
For accounts using the Models tool, Procore has added the ability to quickly create coordination issues directly on a model when using the Models tool on the Procore iOS app. In addition to the coordination issues being visible from the model, the issues sync to both the Coordination Issues tool and the Procore plugin in Navisworks®. See Create Coordination Issues on a Model (iOS).
New Action Banners for the Coordination Issues Tool (10/01/2019)
Procore has added action banners to the Coordination Issues tool to improve the call to action and simplify the UI. When viewing a coordination issue, the relevant action buttons are located inside the banner, and the color of the banner depends on the status of the coordination issue. For example, issues with an 'Opened' or 'Released' status are blue, issues 'Ready for Review' are yellow, issues that are 'Elevated' are red, and issues that are 'Closed' are gray. These colors are reflected in the plugin, the Coordination Issues tool's dashboard, and coordination issue pins in the Drawings tool.
Create Coordination Issues on a Drawing (9/12/2019)
Procore has added the ability for users with 'Standard' or 'Admin' permissions to the Drawings and Coordination Issues tools to create coordination issues while on a drawing in the Drawings tool on Procore Web. See Create Coordination Issues on a Drawing.
@ Mention Users in a Coordination Issue Comment (09/12/2019)
Users can now use the @ symbol in a comment to "mention" other users on the project, which sends an email notification with a link to the coordination issue. See Mention Users in a Coordination Issue Comment. All comments for a coordination issue are organized and stored in the 'Activity' panel that is visible on both the Coordination Issues tool and the Procore plugin in Navisworks®.
Reassign a Coordination Issue to Another User (07/08/2019)
Users with 'Standard' or 'Admin' permissions to the Coordination Issues tool who are marked as an Assignee on a coordination issue can now reassign the issue to another user. See Reassign a Coordination Issue.
New 'Activity Feed' for Coordination Issues (07/01/2019)
A feed has been added to the 'Activity' panel in the Coordination Issues tool on Procore web and the Procore plugin in Navisworks®. The new Activity panel lists all updates to an issue, such as the details of when it was created, assigned, reassigned, and elevated, along with any comments that have been added to the issue. See View the Activity Feed of a Coordination Issue.
Comment on a Coordination Issue in the Procore Plugin (06/14/2019)
Users can now add a comment and snapshot on a coordination issue in the 'Activity' panel. See Add or Manage Comments on a Coordination Issue.
New Markup Tool for Adding Coordination Issues to a Drawing (6/3/2019)
For projects using the Coordination Issues tool, a new 'CI' markup tool is now available in the Drawings tool. This allows users to add pins on a drawing to link existing coordination issues. See Add Coordination Issues to a Drawing.
Comment on a Coordination Issue in the Coordination Issues Tool (05/15/2019)
Users can now add a comment on a coordination issue from a new 'Activity' panel in the Coordination Issues tool. See Add or Manage Comments on a Coordination Issue.
Import Locations Using the Procore Plugin for Revit® (03/18/2019)
You can now import locations from Revit® to your Procore project using the Procore plugin for Revit®. See Import Locations Using the Procore Plugin for Revit®.
Link Drawings to an RFI Created from a Coordination Issue (03/07/2019)
Drawings can now be linked to an RFI when elevating a coordination issue to a new RFI. See Elevate a Coordination Issue to an RFI.
Unlink a Coordination Issue from an RFI (2/26/2019)
If you elevated a coordination issue to an RFI and need to disassociate it from the RFI that it was linked to, you can now unlink the RFI from the coordination issue. This will remove the connection between the two items and change the status of the coordination issue to "Open." See Edit a Coordination Issue and Elevate a Coordination Issue to an RFI.
Bulk Edit Coordination Issues (2/15/2019)
You can now bulk edit the Location, Assignee, and Due Date fields using the Coordination Issues tool. See Edit a Coordination Issue.
Filter Coordination Issues in the Procore Plugin (2/13/2019)
You can now filter coordination issues in the Procore plug-in by Created Date, Due Date, Assignee, Location, and Status. See Search for and Filter Coordination Issues.
Elevate a Coordination Issue to an Existing RFI (1/15/2019)
You can now elevate a coordination issue to an existing RFI from the Coordination Issues tool and the Procore plug-in. You will see options to Create a New RFI or Choose an Existing RFI. This creates a link between the coordination issue and the new or existing RFI. See Elevate a Coordination Issue to an RFI.