
Elevate a Coordination Issue to an RFI


To elevate a coordination issue to an RFI.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Coordination Issues tool.
      'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool.
      Note: Users with 'Standard' level permissions on the project's Coordination Issues and RFIs tools can elevate issues they have created to an RFI.
  • Additional Information:
    • You can choose to elevate the coordination issue to a new Draft RFI or an existing RFI.
      Note: If you create a new Draft RFI, it will appear in the RFIs tool.
    • You will not be able to close or elevate this coordination issue to another RFI until this RFI has been resolved and closed.
    • If you want to disassociate the coordination issue from the RFI after you have elevated, you can unlink the RFI. See Edit a Coordination Issue.



View steps for one of the following:

From the Procore Plugin 

To Elevate a Coordination Issue to a New RFI: 
  1. Open Navisworks® and your model on your computer. See Getting Started Using the Procore Plugin.
  2. With the Procore tab selected, click Issues List.
  3. Hover over the issue that you want to elevate to an RFI.
  4. Click Info.
  5. Click the ellipsis (...) icon, then click Elevate to RFI.
  6. Fill out the following fields:
    Note: Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
    • Subject*: Provide a descriptive title for the RFI. The RFI's subject is displayed as the RFI's title in the list view.
    • Question*: Enter your question and any additional background information that may be needed to properly answer the question.
    • Attachments: Attach any supplemental information to the RFI. 
      Note: All snapshots of the viewpoint will automatically be added as attachments on the RFI.
    • Location: Select the location associated with the RFI from the drop-down menu. 
      Note: New locations can be added to the project's Admin tool. See Add Tiered Locations to a Project.
    • RFI Manager*: Select an RFI Manager from the drop-down list. See What is the RFI Manager role?
      • By default, the name of designated RFI Manager appears here. See Designate the Default RFI Manager for a Project's RFIs.
      • If you are a user with 'Admin' permissions on the RFIs tool, you may select yourself or another user with 'Admin' permissions from the list. 
      • If you are a user with 'Standard' permissions, this list only populates with the names of users who have 'Admin' permissions to the RFIs tool. You may only select another user with 'Admin' permissions from the list. 
  7. Click Create Draft.
    • A Draft RFI will be created in the RFIs tool when elevating a coordination issue to an RFI.
    • An RFIs tool 'Admin' user will need to Edit the Draft RFI and change its status to "open" in order for the RFI's workflow to begin. 
To Elevate a Coordination Issue to an Existing RFI:
  1. Open the Navisworks® application on your computer.
  2. Open the model you want to view.
  3. Click the Procore tab to open the Procore plugin. 
  4. In the All Issues list, hover over the issue that you want to elevate to an RFI, then click Info.
  5. Click the ellipsis (...) icon. Then click Elevate to RFI.
  6. Click Choose an Existing RFI.
  7. Locate the RFI to which you want to elevate a coordination issue.
    Tip! Enter an RFI number or subject in the search bar to search for an RFI, or scroll through them.
  8. Click the RFI to select.
  9. Click Link to this RFI.
    Note: The coordination issue will automatically be elevated to the RFI.

From the Coordination Issues Tool ​​​​​​

To Elevate a Coordination Issue to a New RFI:
  1. Navigate to the project level Coordination Issues tool on app.procore.com.
  2. Click Info next to the issue you want to elevate to an RFI.
  3. Click Elevate to RFI.
    Note: If this coordination issue was previously elevated to an RFI, you will not be able to elevate this issue again.
  4. Fill out the following fields:
    Note: Fields with an asterisk * are required.
    • Subject*: Provide a descriptive title for the RFI. The RFI's subject is displayed as the RFI's title in the list view.
    • Question*: Enter your question and any additional background information that may be needed to properly answer the question.
    • Drawings: Select any drawings you may want to attach to the RFI, then click Add.
      Note: If your project uses Drawing Areas, you will need to select the drawing area first.
    • Attachments: Attach any supplemental information to the RFI. 
      Note: Any views or attachments added to the coordination issue will automatically be attached to the RFI.
    • Location: Select the location associated with the RFI from the drop-down menu. 
      Note: New locations can be added to the project's Admin tool. See Add Tiered Locations to a Project.
    • RFI Manager*: Select an RFI Manager from the drop-down list. See What is the RFI Manager role?
      • By default, the name of designated RFI Manager appears here. See Designate the Default RFI Manager for a Project's RFIs.
      • If you are a user with 'Admin' permissions on the RFIs tool, you may select yourself or another user with 'Admin' permissions from the list. 
      • If you are a user with 'Standard' permissions, this list only populates with the names of users who have 'Admin' permissions to the RFIs tool. You may only select another user with 'Admin' permissions from the list.
  5. Click Create Draft.
    • A Draft RFI will be created in the RFIs tool when elevating a coordination issue to an RFI.
    • A banner will appear confirming the success of the Draft RFI's creation. Click the link in the banner to view the Draft RFI.
    • An RFIs tool 'Admin' user will need to Edit the Draft RFI and change its status to "open" in order for the RFI's workflow to begin. 
    • You will not be able to close or elevate this coordination issue to another RFI until this RFI has been resolved and closed.
To Elevate a Coordination Issue to an Existing RFI:
  1. Navigate to the project level Coordination Issues tool on app.procore.com.
  2. Click Info next to the issue you want to elevate.
  3. Click the More drop-down menu. 
  4. Click Elevate to Existing RFI.
    Note: If this coordination issue was previously elevated to an RFI, you will not be able to elevate this issue again.
  5. Locate and select the RFI you want to elevate the issue to.
    Tip! Enter an RFI number or subject in the search bar to search for an RFI, or hover over the list of RFIs to scroll through them.
  6. Click Elevate to this RFI.
    Note: The coordination issue will automatically be elevated to the RFI.