
Export the Transmittals Log to PDF


To export the transmittals log to PDF using the project's Transmittals tool. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To export the transmittals where you are an email recipient, 'Read Only' level permissions on the project's Transmittals tool.
    • To export the transmittals where you are an email recipient and/or that you created, 'Standard' level permissions on the project's Transmittals tool. 
    • To export all transmittals, 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Transmittals tool. 



  1. Navigate to the project's Transmittals tool. 
  2. Click Export and select PDF.
    This exports the contents of the transmittals log to the PDF file format. The table in the PDF contains the following columns of information:
    • (#) Number: Shows the transmittal number. 

    • Subject: A descriptive subject for the transmittal.

    • Actions(s) Requested: A list of any actions requested on the transmittal. 

    • Created Date: The date the transmittal was first created in the system. 

    • Sent Date: The date added to the 'Sent date' field under the 'Action As Noted' section of the transmittal.

    • To Company: The company (or companies) associated with the people on the transmittal. 

    • Attn: Shows the recipients (i.e., the 'To' and 'Cc' fields) on the transmittal.