
Add Owner Team Contacts to the Contract Room in Portfolio Financials

This information is intended for accounts with Portfolio Financials product in Procore. Please reach out to your Procore point of contact for more information. 


To add contacts to the Owner Team for a Contract Room in Portfolio Financials.


The Teams tab of a Contract Room in Portfolio Financials is where you can add contacts for the Owner Team and Vendor Team. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Limited' access to the project or higher.


  1. Navigate to the relevant Contract Room by clicking the name of the cost item in the project's Cost Tracker
    Note: Cost items with a Contract Room are marked with a ribbon icon-ribbon-pfcp.png icon.
  2. Click the Teams tab.
  3. Under 'Owner Team', click Add Owner Team Contacts.

  4. Mark the checkbox next to the name of each contact you want to add.
    Note: If you need to add a new contact, click Add New Contact and enter their information. 

  5. When you have selected all team members that you want to add, click Add.