Create a Bid Form
To create a bid form before you add and invite companies to bid.
Before you can add companies and invite them to bid, you'll need to create a bid form in Procore. Bid forms make it easier to break down scope and cost information and help to standardize the responses that are being received from bidders. They can also help you better assess coverage by allowing you to customize how you organize your bidders. After inviting companies to bid with bid forms, you can easily compare bids with Bid Leveling. See Level Bids for a Bid Form.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Bidding tool.
You can also create bid forms with a CSV import. See Import Bid Forms to the Bidding Tool.- Navigate to the project's Bidding tool.
- Open the bid package that you want to add a bid form to.
- Click Create Bid Form and select New.
Note: If you want to create a bid form with a CSV import instead, click CSV Import and follow the steps in Import Bid Forms to the Bidding Tool. - In the 'Bid Form Name' field, enter a name for the bid form.
- If you want to save your bid form before adding line items:
- Click Save to save the bid form without adding bidders.
OR - Click Save and Add Bidders to add bidders. See Add Bidders to a Bid Form.
- Click Save to save the bid form without adding bidders.
- Fill out your bid form by adding line items to the Base Bid and Alternates sections as necessary. See the Add Line Items section below.
- Optional: You can adjust the columns on the bid form as needed. See the Adjust Columns section below.
Add Line Items
Note: The process for adding line items to the Base Bid and Alternates sections is the same. Start by adding line items to the Base Bid, and then add items to the Alternates section if you want to allow bidders to provide alternative options or substitutions.
- In the Base Bid section, click the Add Line Item drop-down menu and select one of the following options:
- Cost Code: Select if you want to add a line item with a cost code.
- Plain Text: Select if you want to add a general line item without a cost code.
- Enter information for the line item:
Note: Line items automatically save after you enter information. You can also adjust the columns as needed (see Adjust Columns below).- For a Cost Code line item:
- In the 'Items' column, click the Select Cost Code drop-down menu and select a cost code.
Tip! Use the Search bar to quickly find a cost code. - Click into the Description field to enter a description for the cost code, if necessary.
- In the 'Items' column, click the Select Cost Code drop-down menu and select a cost code.
- For a Plain Text line item:
- In the 'Items' column, click into the field and enter a subject for the item.
- Click into the Description field to enter a description for the item, if necessary.
- For a Cost Code line item:
- To add additional line items, click Add Line Item and repeat the same process.
- If you want to add alternates, scroll to the Alternates section and add line items as necessary.
- When the bid form is complete:
- Click Save to save the bid form without adding bidders.
OR - Click Save and Add Bidders to add and invite bidders. See Add Bidders to a Bid Form.
- Click Save to save the bid form without adding bidders.
Adjust Columns
- Click the vertical ellipsis
icon in the 'Items' or 'Descriptions' column.
- Choose from the following options:
- Pin Column:
- Pin Left: Click if you want to pin the column to the left side of the table.
- Pin Right: Click if you want to pin the column to the right side of the table.
- No Pin: Click if you want to remove the pin from the column.
- Autosize This Column: Click to automatically adjust the size of the selected column.
- Autosize All Columns: Click to automatically adjust the size of both columns.
- Reset Columns: Click if you want to reset the columns to the default setting.
- Pin Column: