
Edit a Direct Cost


To edit a direct cost


In Procore, the term direct cost is used to refer to a cost on a construction project that is NOT associated with a purchase order or subcontract. Using the Direct Costs tool, you can create these items:

  • Invoices. Create a direct cost for a paper invoice from a non-contracted vendor for items such as printer ink, computer paper, or postage. 
  • Expenses. Create a direct cost expense for computer equipment, telephones, or internal equipment rentals. 
  • Payroll. Create a direct cost for monthly payroll costs classified by cost code, so that payroll amounts reflect each month on the budget. 

Once you change the status of a direct cost from Draft to either Pending, Revise and Resubmit, or Approved, the project's Budget tool automatically displays the amount of the direct cost in the 'Direct Costs' column on its corresponding budget line item. For 'Approved' direct costs, Procore also automatically adds any direct cost line items with a matching budget code onto the appropriate owner invoice's Schedule of Values (SOV). See Create an Owner Invoice.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Direct Costs tool
    • 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on the project's Direct Costs tool with the 'Create Direct Cost' granular permission enabled on your permission template.
  • Considerations:
    • If you would prefer to import your direct cost line items using a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file, see Import Direct Costs.



  1. Navigate to the project's Direct Costs tool.
  2. Click Summary or Summary by Cost Code.
  3. Locate the direct cost that you want to edit in the list.
  4. Click Edit
  5. Under General Information, edit the direct cost as follows:
    Note: The Type field cannot be edited after you create a Direct Cost. See Create a Direct Cost.
    1. Date
      Choose the date you want to apply to the direct cost from the calendar control.
    2. Status
      Select DraftPendingRevise and Resubmit, or Approved.
      • If you set the direct cost to any status other than Draft, the direct cost’s line item amount is automatically populated as a value in the 'Direct Cost' column of the project’s budget.
      • For Approved direct costs, Procore also automatically adds any direct cost line items with a matching budget code onto the appropriate owner invoice's Schedule of Values (SOV). See Create an Owner Invoice.
    3. Vendor
      Select a vendor from the drop-down list.
      • The selections in this list are populated from the Company Directory (and NOT the Project Directory). 
      • This field is only when 'Invoice' is selected. 
    4. Employee
      Select the employee that reported the direct cost.
    5. Terms
      Enter any terms for the seller. You can either select one of the options from the drop-down or create your own by entering text into the Terms text box.
      Note: This drop-down requires a supported web browser. See Which web browsers are supported by Procore?
    6. Description
      Enter in a more detailed description of the direct cost.
    7. Received Date
      Enter a date the direct cost was received.
      Note: The received date must fall within the start and end date of the billing period. 
    8. Paid Date
      Enter a date the direct cost was paid.
    9. Attachments
      Add an attachment, such as a digital copy of an invoice, bill, or receipt for the direct cost. 
  6. Edit an existing line item by clicking a cell and modifying it inline. 
  7. Add a line item choosing one of these options:
    • Click the Add Line button.
    • Click 縦方向の省略 (⋮) and choose Add Above or Add Below from the shortcut menu. 

  8. Delete a line item by clicking the 縦方向の省略 (⋮) and choosing Delete from the shortcut menu.
  9. Save your edits as follows:
    • Click Save to save the update. 
    • Click Save & Create New to save the update and continue adding line items.