New Payments Objects Available in Enhanced Reporting
Procore has updated the Payments area of the Financials Dataset in Enhanced Reporting. New objects are now available for Contract Compliance and Payments Beneficiary. You'll also see fields for the Contract Compliant and Insurance Compliant statuses in the Payment Requirement object. To learn more about the join relationships for each object, refer to the Financials page in the Procore Enhanced Reporting: Data Guide.
New Contract Compliance Object Available in Enhanced Reporting
Procore has updated the Payments area of the Financials Dataset in Enhanced Reporting. New fields have been added to the Contract Compliance object. The new fields are: Attachment Count, Date Updated, Effective At, Expires At, ID, Name, Notes, Send Expiration Notification, Status, and Type. To learn more about the join relationships for each object, refer to the Financials page in the Procore Enhanced Reporting: Data Guide.
Invite to Pay Enhancements for payee onboarding
To streamline the payor's understanding of the payee onboarding process, the Beneficiaries tab in the Payments tool now only lists subcontractors invited to join Procore Pay and contractors who have already initiated a connection. The 'Invite to Pay' prompt was also updated to show a gray banner when subcontracting companies are already connected and preselects the company's authorized contact for your invite. See About the Beneficiaries Tab in the Payments Tool and Invite Beneficiaries to Procore Pay.